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Living in Harmony with Your Inner and Outer Seasons

Bodies like Wild Flowers: Living in harmony with your inner and outer seasons

by Vickie Williams


Let me ask you… do you ever feel guilty when you don’t have the energy to exercise? To socialise? To tick off that never ending to do list? Are you putting it down to lack of sleep, a busy week, or not feeling good enough, strong enough, well enough? Ladies, our bodies are like wild flowers. Flowers do not remain the same all year round. With every breath of wild nature they change. And so do you.


Your energy ebbs and flows throughout the month

It’s safe to say you’re constantly changing throughout not only the year but also the month. These are your inner and outer seasons, and listening to them could be your greatest gift to manifest goals, exercise inspiring projects all whilst restoring your health and vitality.

As women we’re not only influenced by the outer seasonal phases but also heavily by our own inner phases. Just like the moon herself, we’re ever changing, ever evolving. These phases that we go through each month can be viewed as seasons. The season that our bleed time is associated with is winter – a time of slowing down, nourishing and turning inwards – aka NOT DOING.

Your Inner Seasons 

Inner Winter time is a crucial part of natures cycle and without the rest during this period, the full potential growth of our energy in Inner Spring (pre-ovulation) is not possible. 

Without the budding energy during Inner Spring, the rise in estrogen bringing greater clarity, co-ordination, memory and creativity, the ability to action, create and birth ideas into life during Inner Summer (ovulation) would not be possible.

Without the plunge in estrogen, progesterone and testosterone in Inner Autumn (pre-Ovulation) we would never be able to spur on the completion of a project just like the end of year harvest as we prepare to cycle full circle and rest in Inner Winter (Menstruation).

And so you see the wheel keeps turning.

“But what if I’m not having periods, or no longer bleed?” You’re guaranteed to still feel the influence of these ebbs and flows. That’s your superpower as a woman. 

The relationship between Inner and Outer Seasons

Our phases are divided into yang energies (spring/summer) and yin energies (autumn/winter). So depending on where your inner and outer energies fall, they may complement each other or they may contrast each other. 

You may be pre-menstrual approaching your bleed time (Inner Autumn/Winter). Everything within calls you to snuggle under a duvet, remaining still and soaking up all the divine rest. It is however spring/summer outside and perhaps you feel the pressure to be active and sociable, to do things. Alternatively, it may be autumn/winter aligning your inner and outer seasons. Like a bear in winter you’ll probably want to stay in your cave curled up in nourishment with some hot cocoa.

At the opposite end of your cycle, it’s budding spring approaching fiery summer and ovulation (Inner Spring/Summer). Outside it’s also Spring/Summer and you may feel like one hot, desirable woman ready for anything life brings. You’re confident, lively and your energy is so high you feel like your bouncing or floating on air right now. Alternatively, it may be autumn/winter and your energy feels perfectly grounded between yin and yang. Your energy is high but you feel more called to creating small gatherings and hosting people together in a nurturing space.

You may find differences in your journey throughout your own Inner and Outer Seasons compared to the guide above, and that's the greatest thing! The more you become aware of the rhythms of your cycle, you’ll be able to craft your own innate intelligence to honour your changing needs. You’ll be able to spot patterns in how you work and feel. You’ll be able to unlock the deepest levels of creativity and intuition to guide you at any phase.

You body as a sacred seasonal landscape

By tapping into your Inner and Outer Seasons you tap into the unique magic within each phase. You discover an intuitive sense of self so deep you can instinctively forecast your energy throughout the month ensuring your calendar complements rather than conquers your life.

Your wild nature includes a time for resting, planning, growing and refining. What stage of your cycle are you in right now? 


Vickie Williams is a yoga teacher, reiki healer and women's wellness ambassador living in London. She guides women to embrace the feminine cycles and nurture their womb. 


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